4 Days Post-op

Surgery was Monday so I think Xena is 4 days post-op.  She is doing amazing!  I can’t wait for her hair to grow back so she looks cute again.  I am amazed at how well she is doing.  She is taking Metacam once a day for pain and inflammation along with simplicef for an antibiotic.  And her neckerchief came in today.

We just received the tripawd bandana today.
We just received the tripawd bandana today.


Xena’s Home!

Xena is officially a tripawd dog.  She came home today from her surgery.  She walked out on her own with the vet and some vet techs.  I was so surprised to see how agile she was and seemed in no pain.  I ordered her tripawd neckerchief today.

Home at last!
Home at last!

A few hours post-surgery

I got to visit Xena a few hours after her surgeries today.  She was still a bit “drunk”.  Probably a good thing at this point.  She wagged her tail some and seemed to be doing pretty well for they day she had.  The vet did not take her shoulder blade hoping that would help with balance.  She can come home sometime tomorrow.

a few hours post surgery
a few hours post surgery

Velcro Dog

I just learned a new term while looking thru the Miniature Pinchser rescue sites.  I’m always curious about how Xena is similar…if she is.  Velcro dog definitely explains her.  She wants to be anywhere I am and as close to me as possible.

Velcro Dog
Velcro Dog

She Runs!

I forgot to post this earlier in the week.  Xena loves to run and is great at coming when called.  Luckily we have a couple of acres and share yards with good friends.  Here is proof that she does run even with the 4th limb that is just along for the ride…for now.